2020-148: Business Valuation in a COVID World – Cost of Capital, Growth Rates, and Uncertainties
**Webinar 148: Live Broadcast Date: Thursday, October 29, 2020**
Archive of VPS StraightTalk Webinar Series: Business Valuation in a COVID World – Cost of Capital, Growth Rates, and Uncertainties
Speaker: Jim Hitchner, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA
Are you unsure about valuing U.S. businesses during this pandemic?
Do you know how to prepare a supportable discount rate and growth rates?
This webinar will show you how to deal with these unprecedented times and give you the tools and data to help you prepare a valuation. This includes the right tools for computing discount, growth, and capitalization rates.
The participant will learn about the following:
• How to assess uncertainty and support your value conclusion
• Is the equity discount rate affected? If so, how and where?
• Is the weighted average cost of capital affected? If so, how and where?
• Is the level of and rate on debt affected? If so, how and where?
• Why D&P increased their recommended equity risk premium
• Why D&P lowered their normalized risk-free rate
• How to support a size premium
• What’s going on with betas and industry risk premiums
• Company-specific risk – Is it the great equalizer in this pandemic?
• Where do you get interim growth rates?
• Where do you get long-term growth rates?
• How should projected company value drivers be reflected in estimating value (revenue, cost, growth, competition, market conditions, etc.)?
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