Archive 2022-173: Valuation in Divorce Cases


Archive 2022-173: Valuation in Divorce Cases


Archive 2022-173: Valuation in Divorce Cases

**Webinar 173: Live Broadcast Date: November 9, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm EST**

VPS StraightTalk Webinar Series: Recent Trends in Estate and Gift Tax Valuations

Speakers: Jim Alerding, CPA/ABV and James Ewart, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA

Valuation for matrimonial dissolution is a complex minefield exacerbated by the hundreds of related decisions published by state courts. The speakers will leverage their considerable experience to highlight issues to be considered in valuing a business in the context of divorce.

Learning Objectives:
The participant will learn:

  • Issues to be considered in performing a small business valuation in a divorce matter
  • The role of personal goodwill in divorce valuation
  • How to review the report of an opposing expert in a divorce valuation matter

Webinar Outline:

  • Unique issues in divorce valuations
  • Business valuation standards in divorce valuation
  • Standard of Value
  • Premise of Value
  • What is included or excluded from the marital estate as it relates to the business value
  • Personal goodwill issues
  • Pass through entity (PTE) issues


    • Copy of the VPS webinar PowerPoint slides
    • Access to a video recording of the program.

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