Archive 2024-192: Business Valuation Litigation Reports – How and Where They Will Come After You


Archive 2024-192: Business Valuation Litigation Reports – How and Where They Will Come After You






Archive 2024-192: Business Valuation Litigation Reports – How and Where They Will Come After You

**Webinar 192: Live Broadcast Date: August 6, 2024, 1:00-3:00 pm EDT**

Speakers: Jim Hitchner, CPA/ABV/CFF and Harold G. Martin, Jr., CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA, CFE

Webinar Outline:

  • Sample language and examples to put in your detailed litigation reports
  • Front summary language including: terms, definitions, disclaimers, caveats, scope of work, list of documents relied upon, procedures performed, restrictions or limitations, distribution, and level of reliance
  • Adherence to BV reporting standards (AICPA, ASA, NACVA, and USPAP)
  • Addendums, assumptions and limiting conditions, and valuation representation/certifications
  • Sample language and examples to NOT put in your reports
  • The best way to organize your report
  • Citing references for definitions, concepts, and applications
  • The use and abuse in relying upon canned economic and industry data
  • Reliance on RMA and other types of benchmark data
  • Quantitative and qualitative weightings of values
  • Length of reports
  • Mock testimonies

Learning Objectives:
The participant will learn:

  • How attorneys will attack your report – mock testimonies
  • About language that will limit an attorney’s ability to twist things around, including you – mock testimonies
  • The use of protective and risk management language – CYA vs. litigation fodder
  • How to properly use addendums, appraisal representations/certifications, assumptions and limited conditions
  • Bad words, sentences, and paragraphs that are inappropriately included in reports – mock testimony


  • VPS webinar PowerPoint slides
  • Sample detailed report
  • Following the webinar, attendees will have access to a video recording of the program

With our simple flat pricing plan, your entire office (up to 20 people) can join us for this 100-minute presentation, earn two hours of CPE credit and receive an archive recording for $239. Contact if your firm will have more than 20 attendees. 


Program Level: Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group/Internet based
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of business valuation concepts
CPE Credits: Two 50-minute CPE hours / Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
For more information on CPE credits, refund policies, and complaint resolution visit our CPE page at

Note to our loyal repeat customers:  We are partnering with the Virginia Society of CPAs to update and streamline our webinar process.  As a result, the instructions for registering and accessing the webinar have changed. Please download and read these instructions carefully.

Download the Webinar Participant Instructions at purchase with registration link and details.

Participants must register individually in advance of the webinar to obtain a unique log-in link by email from Zoom.

Additional information
